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Strava is a social fitness network and mobile app used primarily for tracking cycling and running exercises using GPS data. It has become highly popular in the fitness community for its robust set of features that not only track activities but also enable social interaction and competition among athletes.

Key features of Strave:

  • Activity Tracking
  • Segments
  • Social Networking
  • Challenges
  • Strava Summit
  • Safety Features
  • Compatibility
  • Strava Metro
  • Personal Records
  • Route Planning
  • Strava Clubs
  • Strava Art
  • Heatmaps
  • Training Logs and Analysis


Create totals and statistics report: Creates a report with recent, year to date, and all time stats of your activities.

Connect with Strava:

  1. Log in to your Strava account.

  2. Click this link to create an app on Strava API.

  3. Fill in Application Name, Category, Club, Website, and Application Description, and check the checkbox. Strava_01.jpg

  4. Go to Mation and navigate to My Apps and Add a new connection choosing Strava from the list. Strava_02.jpg Strava_03.jpg

  5. Copy the OAuth Redirect URL from Mation and paste it into Authorization Callback Domain on Strava. Strava_05.jpg


    In the Authorization Callback Domain field on Strava delete the https:// protocol and everything following the top-level domain. Strava only accepts the pure domain without slashes or paths.

  6. Check the I've read and agree with Strava's API Agreement checkbox.

  7. Click the Create button.

  8. Upload an App Icon (Minimum size 124 x 124 px, jpg). Strava_06.jpg


    You must upload an app icon, otherwesie the connection will not work!

  9. In the Client Secret section click the Show button to see the Client Secret. Strava_07.jpg

  10. The Client Secret is visible now.Strava_08.jpg

  11. Copy the Client ID from Strava and paste it into the Client ID field on Mation.

  12. Copy the Client Secret from Strava and paste it into the Client Secret field on Mation. Strava_09.jpg

  13. Click the Submit button.

  14. A pop-up window appears. Click the Authorize button. Strava_10.jpg

  15. Your Strava connection is now established. Strava_11.jpg

  16. Start using your new Strava connection with Mation.