Telegram Messenger is a cloud-based instant messaging, video calling, and VoIP service. It was created by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai in 2013. Telegram focuses on speed and security and is known for its ability to work on multiple devices simultaneously and for its extensive group and channel capabilities.
Key features of Telegram:
- End-to-end encrypted Voice and Video Calls
- Secret Chats
- Channels
- Groups
- Bots
- Stickers and GIFs
- File Sharing
- Cross-Platform support
Send a message: Sends a message to a specified chat.
Connect with Telegram:
Go to Telegram and download and install the Telegram app on your computer.
Start a chat with Botfather and click the Send Message button.
You will be redirected to the app on your computer.
and press the Return key.Enter a name for your bot.
Telegram has configured your new bot.
Go to Mation and navigate to My Apps and Add a new connection choosing Telegram from the list.
Copy the
API token
value from the Telegram app and paste it into theBot token
field on Mation.Click the Submit button.
Your Telegram connection is now established.
Start using your new Telegram connection with Mation.