Skip to content is a software tool designed to automatically remove backgrounds from images. It uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to accurately distinguish between the foreground subject and the background, making it easy to isolate subjects from images without manual editing. This tool is particularly useful for designers, photographers, and marketers who need to quickly create images with transparent or different backgrounds.

Key features of

  1. AI-Powered Background Removal: Uses advanced AI algorithms for precise background removal.
  2. High Precision and Detail: Accurately handles images with complex details and edges.
  3. Speed: Quickly processes images, saving time compared to manual editing.
  4. Batch Processing: Ability to process multiple images simultaneously.
  5. Integrations with Design Software: Offers plugins for popular design tools like Photoshop.
  6. Accessibility: User-friendly web interface for easy access and use.
  7. API for Developers: Provides an API for integrating into custom workflows or applications.
  8. Multiple Output Formats: Supports various image formats for the final output.
  9. Customizable Backgrounds: Allows adding custom backgrounds or making them transparent.
  10. Quality Retention: Maintains high image quality after background removal.

Connect with

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Create a new API Key here and click the + New API Key button. Remove_bg_01.jpg
  3. Click the Create API Key button. Remove_bg_02.jpg
  4. Copy the API Key and click the Save changes button.Remove_bg_03.jpg
  5. Go to Mation and navigate to My Apps and Add a new connection choosing from the list. Remove_bg_04.jpgRemove_bg_05.jpg
  6. Enter any Screen Name.
  7. Paste the API Key into the API Key field on Mation. Remove_bg_07.jpg
  8. Click the Submit button.
  9. Your connection is now established. Remove_bg_08.jpg
  10. Start using your new connection with Mation.